The modern age is full of temptations in all fields, including the sphere of healthy life. In some way, all of us are trying to lead a healthier and happier life, or at least we want it to be like that. There are many tips that tell us how to do something, but it is difficult to allocate the best ones that we are able to follow.
If you want to feel happier and healthier every day, you should adhere to “common sense” advices, which can really change your life. We present you few healthy tips that you should certainly adopt and which don’t require extra money and free time. All you need is a good will and persistence.
Training is on the first place. In order to live healthy, you need to be physically active. It does not have to involve a gym necessarily; it can be cycling, running, swimming or a collective sport. The point is to physically burden your body.
Having some sort of recreation three times a week will give good and desired results. Take only 60 to 90 minutes per session and it will be very beneficial. Find a type of exercise which you enjoy in (dancing, swimming, cycling …).
Running is one of the most common recreational activities, but many people actually do not like it. Most people are guided by the fact that going running every morning leads to better health, but they seem not to enjoy it. Sooner or later, the motivation to exercise weakens and they stop training.
Therefore, it is important to enjoy physical activity. It does not matter what it is, it is important that you are active.
Reduce sugar intake. It is not necessary to permanently give up on candy, but it’s really necessary to pay attention to how much sugar you enter per day. Each juice you drink, every meal that you heat up is usually full of sugar, which you may not be aware of.
If you add to all this desserts which you might enjoy on a daily basis, sugar intake is really great. Start with small steps: try to drink coffee without sugar, with a little milk; instead of soft drinks – drink water, do not buy fast food meals and when you want to eat something sweet, eat some fruit first. Only if you cannot handle low sugar level, reach for a chocolate bar. Understand that candy should be occasional treat, not something that needs to be consumed on a daily basis.
Foods rich in energy, which includes fibers, carbohydrates, some proteins and a little fats will preserve your brain strong and provide the energy needed for everyday activities. Enrich your diet with fish, soy, chicken, milk and eggs. If you are unsure how to prepare food properly, you can always check online for many quick, easy but healthy recipes which can help you.
Go to bed “on time”. Sleep, along with diet and exercise, is the third pillar of health and with good reason. Benefits of sleep are well known. Quality sleep will keep your heart healthy, prevent the accumulation of pounds, affects the functioning of the immune system, the brain, and improves memory and much more. Studies have clearly shown that the lack of sleep can lead to a number of health problems, while people who sleep seven to eight hours are more inclined, better control their body weight, and have a stronger immune system.
Therefore, give yourself a time when you will go to bed every night and follow that decision. If you have a rare opportunity to be lounging in bed after waking up, then it is good to use that chance. When you wake up, give yourself 15 minutes of additional rest. Allow your body to wake up slowly and without any rush. You’ll be much more prepared for all obligations that a day brings to you.
Drink water. We all know that water is good for us, but somehow we are not aware of it or simply forget. Not only that regular drinking of this precious liquid will make you less bloated, less hungry and more substantial but you will be able to avoid pitfalls in the form of soft drinks and snack foods to which we turn in times when we do not realize that we are actually thirsty. Always carry a bottle of water with you and from time to time take a few sips. Remember, if you are thirsty, it means that your body is already dehydrated.
Vanessa Davis is a 32-year-old fitness enthusiast, mother of two and a writer of awesome meals at She’s originally from Long Island, New York, and when she isn’t cooking up some new health and fitness article, she enjoys doing yoga and figuring out new, delicious organic recipes for herself and her kids.