A crucial part of the healing process is to remember that it is a long-lasting process for people those who are struggling with drug or alcohol addiction. In the initial stage of recovery, you are apparently still struggling to believe that what life will be like without your drug or alcohol addiction. When you decide to live sober it is a different feeling which makes you feel uncomfortable, but it is also amazingly worthwhile. Whatever profits you imagined to obtained from abusing substance like drugs and alcohol will be put to embarrassment as you realize that nothing relates to the benefits attained from being sober.

Frequently, rehabilitation from drug and alcohol will change a person’s intentions, expectations, habits, and even character. Successively, this can cause variations in relationships and loved ones. It can also overcome people to face underlying problems that were concealed by addiction. By recognizing the hurdles that often come with struggles to recover, family members can support their loved ones and themselves during the recovering journey.

Here are 9 ways of helping your loved one stay sober:

1. Improve your relationships

The rehabilitation process from substance abuse like drug and alcohol addiction is also strengthened by your social networks and relationships. Improving relationship skills are essential to a healthy connection between your loved ones. When you maintain a healthy relationship that benefits an addicted person, stay clear, straightforward and accept accountability for your decisions and activities.

Sadly, when an individual is dealing with addiction they are inclined to be separate, completely isolating themselves off from the health-build up effects of emotional and social support. The guidance you provide enhances even more significant in initial healing when an individual is fighting to get practiced to life without abusing alcohol and other kinds of drugs. At this moment, When a person cultivates a healthy relationship it benefits mutual support which helps a person to stay sober.

2. Eliminate unhealthy relationships

Many of us have undergone both good and toxic relationships. Harmful relationships have ups and downs which frequently bring pain to your life. An unhealthy relationship can be identified by these things like rudeness, cheating, dishonesty, and the force to transform other people. Many of us have a habit of permitting someone to get close to us and then later regretting it. When a person maintains unhealthy relationships, this kind of friendship can take into the worst behavior. The obstacle of developing yourself with an unhealthy relationship can be a dangerous one. If you find that you connect with people who are addicted to a substance like to drug and alcohol often, make sure to eliminate this kind of unhealthy relationship to stay sober from an addiction.

3. Stay Physically Active

When a person addicted to substance abuse physical activities like yoga, hiking, walking, strength training, and team sports can play an effective role in your addiction rehabilitation process, as well as these activities can benefit you to live the healthy lifestyle and also helps you to encourages you to think that I can’t drink tonight; “I have to wake up early and workout tomorrow morning” or “I must go to my yoga class”. When you began to perform these physical activities regularly, it leads to the healing process where you can stay sober from drug or alcohol addiction.

4. Always think realistic

When a person is into a rehabilitation process he/she should believe that there will be roadblocks, resistance, and probably relapse. But also expect that recovery is achievable when you set right actions ahead. Expectations control your progress in dependence rehabilitation, but having unrealistic belief during the recovery process initiates you up for frustration and disappointments. When you place expectations so great you couldn’t probably accomplish them, and which leads to unneeded pressure and minimize your chance of victory.  But, when you began to set realistic belief in addiction recovery process it benefits you develop a healthy structure to achieve.

5. Build a substance-free environment

The most challenging conflicts recovering addicts face is adapting to regular life after recovery process, without being influenced by past addictions. If you want to encourage your partner or your child through rehabilitation, it is more important to create a drug-free environment. Make sure not to keep any drug or alcohol material in the residence and make them stay away from places that might tempt theirs to relapse.

These are some specific points of a dangerous atmosphere:

  • Family members frequently consume alcohol or abuse drugs in front of the addicts.
  • There is a lack of community responsibility and care.
  • Friends or Family members are not supportive of your recovery.
  • There is physical or emotional abuse within the family

6. Put your loved one in interventionist hands

When your loved one is addicted to substance abuse like alcohol or drug addiction and when they require help for their dependence, the special program of intervention and therapy is important for their rehabilitation progress. When you meet a substance abuse counselor they will bring a skilful attitude to your present challenges, and the best interventionist can be the keynote in your loved one’s journey towards the healing process. Finding the best rehab centers and professional intervention help you to recover and stay sober from addiction.

7. You deserve another opportunity

The commencement of a new year provides you with the chance, to begin with, a fresh start, each and every individual undergoing a change in addictive habits through the sequence of five different stages, including pre-contemplation,  preparation, deep thought, action, and perpetuation. Some individual may go through these steps many times before dependence stops. Despite how many times you have been throughout these sequences before, you will always deserve another chance. Never let past attempts get in the way of future victories.

8. Build a 24-hour plan

During initial stage rehabilitation, you may require to schedule your day throughout recovery-related activities such as consulting doctor or treatment appointments, practising medication, and find the best rehab centers and regularly attending programs. Also combine times that you prepare to wake up early and go to bed every day, to maintain a healthy diet, concentrating on your job and spend time with family and friends. Include lots of time for reading books, playing sports, and meditation or prayer as well. When you don’t put yourself into a busy schedule you will find yourself with free time to let your ideas back to making decisions to abuse the drug or alcohol again.

9. Always think positive

During the rehabilitation process, it is essential to not let negative feelings pull you down. It is easy to stay on negative activities and concentrate on the illegal things, but if you always have a positive thought in your mind which can help enhance the outcome of treatment.

Here are some benefits of positive thinking:

  • Positivity thinking decreases the risk of relapse back to drug or alcohol dependence
  • Developing Positive thoughts enables people to find happiness in their sobriety
  • Positive thinking supports people who have suffered from addiction to see the real cause of their pain

Bottom line

Addiction is a horrible situation, and it is particularly disturbing for the loved ones to live with a drug or alcohol addiction. Favourably, recovery is possible. find the guidance that they require to get started to stay a healthier and sober, the life that they are supposed to be experiencing. there is a number of best rehab centers like a new york rehabilitation center offering complete treatment for an individual who may ve fighting with drug and alcohol dependence as well as co-occurring mental health dysfunctions.

About the author

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Dr. Bola

Family physician. Works for the "man" by day, wife & mom 24/7.
Loves the work of translating "medicalese" to plain english.

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