You might think you’re doing just fine with clothing all over your bedroom floor, dishes piled up in the sink, and papers scattered around your desk at the office, but the clutter in your life could be affecting your physical and mental health more than you might imagine.

From professional effects to diet choices, being disorganized can majorly impact our everyday lives. Find out how making a commitment to clearing the clutter could improve nearly every facet of your life.

In the Professional Sphere

Organization and planning go hand in hand, and the more planning you can put into your work life, the more you’ll excel professionally. You’ll also get a boost in self-esteem by harnessing a larger sense of control of your surroundings. The more in control you feel, the better your work is bound to be. You’ll be more efficient, produce better work, and see that productivity blend into your life outside of the professional sphere. Being organized helps you optimize your time. Instead of feeling pulled every which way and feeling like a slave to your schedule, you again become the master of your time.

Improve Your Diet

Studies have shown that those who work and live in clean, neat spaces are more inclined to opt for healthier food options. Some professionals have reasoned that the stress caused by cluttered spaces contributes to a craving for unhealthy, comfort foods. Organization can find its way into food preparation processes as well. If you can prepare meals for the work week every Sunday evening, you’ll find yourself less pressed for time and spending less money than you would going out to eat. Your wallet and your waistline will thank you.

Improve Your Relationships

In the same way clutter can create chaos in your mind, it can do to your partner. When you put emphasis on becoming more organized, you’ll find yourself with a surplus of time and a clearer mind. If you and your partner live together, you may find that clutter within your home causes undue stress and tension between the two of you. Say your partner tends to be cleaner and more organized than you are; your mess could be a source of irritation. Spend time with your partner talking about the organizational efforts that could make your home the most comforting for the both of you. This may mean clearing your home of clutter by having a garage sale or selling your old items on Wallapop. Work together to find décor that helps contribute to a clean, mess-free living space.

Getting Better Sleep

Believe it or not, but staying organized can contribute to a night of better rest. Why? Well, with less clutter comes less stress, and your efforts to keep your room spick and span might mean it’s more comfortable. Studies have purported that those who maintain organization within their bedroom oasis report better sleeping patterns. In fact, one study showed that those who commit to making their bed each morning are almost 20 percent more likely to getting good sleep.

So next time your room is looking like a tornado hit, take the time to fold those close, fluff those pillows, and clear out the clutter and reap the benefits when you close your eyes at night.

Reducing Your Stress

Mess contributes to stress. We are visual creatures, and clutter bombards our eyes, causing them to become overstimulated. Clutter also thwarts focus, leading to scatterbrained sensations. When our lives are cluttered, we feel overwhelmed and often guilty that we don’t have a handle on everything we feel we should. Becoming organized restores a sense of control that might have been lost. Whether in our professional or personal lives, clutter can exhaust the brain, as it makes it harder for us to process incoming information.

By putting your clothes in your closet, filing those excess papers at the end of the day, and taking the time to prep your food, you take steps towards relaxing your mind and reducing the amount of stress you feel.

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