Wet “Down There” Action Plan II (Bacterial Vaginosis)

Your Wet “Down There” Action Plan is below, [member_first_name]

The Wet Down There Action Plan is meant as a guide and does not substitute for an examination from your personal physician

What you have:

Looks like you have Bacterial Vaginosis, [member_first_name]; otherwise known as “BV”.

Bacterial Vaginosis typically presents as a thin grey-white discharge with a pungent fishy or metallic odor.

It is the second most common reason for feeling wet “down there”.

This is the view from down there;

Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial Vaginosis in the vagina and cervix

How (or why) did you get it?

Normal vaginal flora consists of acidic bacteria (lactobacillus), alkaline bacteria and yeast.

An overgrowth of these normally occurring alkaline bacteria is what leads to the distressing symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.

This occurs almost as often as yeast infections and is NOT a sexually transmitted infection (STI).

Precipitants of Bacterial Vaginosis:

1. Douching

2. Use of antibiotics

3. Any condition that suppresses your immune system like diabetes

4. Shaving and waxing of the pubic hair

5. Wearing non-breathable underwear fabrics

What can you do about it?

1. Maintain or regenerate your normal vaginal flora by consuming plain yogurt- which has a lot of the desired cultured bacteria, or take Probiotics with Acidophilus and/or Lactobacillus supplements. You can find these supplements at your local drugstore or health food store.

2. Stop douching. The practice of douching washes off your acidic vaginal bacteria (lactobacillus), allowing the overgrowth of other organisms like the alkaline bacteria and yeast.

3. Monitor for improvement by checking your vaginal pH status with the vaginal pH kit available in your local drug store.

Your normal vaginal pH should be slightly acidic.

When to see a doctor?

1. If your symptoms (the discharge and the odor) are bothersome

2. If you keep having a recurrence of Bacterial Vaginosis.

What to expect from your doctor?

1. A pelvic exam for visual assessment.

2. Vaginal discharge samples/swaps to be collected and sent to the lab for testing.

3. Blood glucose testing for diabetes for multiple reoccurrences.

4. Prescription oral or vaginal antibiotics- like metronidazole (Flagyl) is commonly used to treat problematic bacterial vaginosis.

More Resources for You

Overview of Causes of Wetness “Down There”

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