Wet “Down There” Action Plan III (Normal Discharge)

Your Wet “Down There” Action Plan is below, [member_first_name].

The Wet Down There Action Plan is meant as a guide and does not substitute for an examination from your personal physician.

What you have:

Looks like you have a normal vaginal discharge, [member_first_name]; also known as a physiologic vaginal discharge.

Normal vaginal discharge typically present as a clear to faint white discharge with a musty, ocean water scent at times.

This is the view from down there;

Normal cervix

How (or why) did you get it?

The female hormone; estrogen is responsible for keeping the vagina area moist.

There is increased vaginal wetness or discharge right after ovulation takes place (anytime from day 12-day 21 of your menstrual cycle). This discharge is usually stringy or syrup-like.

Precipitants of normal vaginal discharge:

1. Normal hormonal fluctuations based on the menstrual cycle

2. There are NO other bothersome symptoms

What can you do about it?

Nothing really. If it bothers you enough, you can wear panty-liners on your wettest days.

When to see a doctor?

If you are worried or concerned about the discharge and fear that it might not be the normal vaginal discharge all women get.

What to expect from your doctor?

1. A pelvic exam for visual assessment.

2. Vaginal discharge samples or swaps to be collected and sent to the lab for testing.

3. Reassurance

More Resources for You

Overview of Causes of Wetness “Down There”

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