what do I eat?

© Matthew Collingwood | Dreamstime Stock Photos

Over the past 20 years, the myriad of diets, processed food choices, lifestyle advice from the media, guru’s and reported medical research community alike have left most women who come to see me disillusioned and confused.

“What do I eat then?” they ask. Everything does seem to be not good for you in someway according to someone.

Personally, I once was trained by a nutritionist during my college EMT and dialysis work days that avocados were terrible for our kidney patients since it was like “…green butter, BAD fat!” she exclaimed.

Obviously, this was before the “good fats vs bad fats” data was concluded. Then comes, the other factoids-trans fats, low carb, Atkins, pH and blood type diets, etc. Trust me. Even most doctors have no idea and are confused about the data that has been misrepresented, taken out of context and capitalistically spun, into a billion dollar industry.

So, for the last few years, I have been encouraging consuming a variety of fresh foods and healthy aged/fermented cuisines.

Eating REAL, eating FRESH or traditionally preserved real foods, eating WHOLE and eating SIMPLE foods. The less designed, packaged, and processed your food is, the better, the healthier.

A common generalization I repeat to my patients and try to remember myself is- “If it just got picked off a tree or bush, just got pulled out of the ground, just got slaughtered on the range, or just got fished or harvested out of the water, your body is most likely to benefit from it.”

Of course this does not cover it all but it gives the “GIST” doesn’t it? It is indisputable that a diet of mostly processed foods derived from and manufactured from only 3 basic foods (wheat, soy, corn) has not been healthful.

Somehow, we have taken 3 natural ingredients and put them in everything processed we consume mixed in with processed fat, sugars and salt. That’s it- 3 whole foods with 3 additives. Cheap, plentiful, moderately addicting, but certainly not nourishing or healthful

Not sure how to start to get more real variety into your diet? Check out Dr. Fuhrman’s website and look up his “superfood” Nutritarian pyramid. Very different from what we were all taught. Try making 1 or 2 substitutions of your families “processed food” meals with a real food meal instead.

Did you know that popular frozen peanut butter and jelly sandwich round loaded with preservatives can be replaced with your own version quickly, more affordably and healthfully?

Try my mom’s version inspired to replace this processed market brand:

Take whole wheat bread slices (preferably the loaves made daily without preservatives from your market bakery or local bread restaurant and then take 10 minutes on a weekend night to make up the whole loaf), smear with organic or home industrial blender creamed peanut butter and organic fruit preserves.

You then cut into whatever shape your kids like, tuck into individual sandwich bags, and then place each of the individually packed sandwiches back into the bread loaf plastic sleeve or paper wrap  for an added layer of protection from freezer burn, to have on hand for the morning lunch boxes.

By the time lunchtime at school rolls around the homemade PB&J has gently thawed (not to mention kept all the other goodies cool) to eat. My kids love helping to make these and to eat these. I hope you and yours do too.

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About the author

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Dr. Carol

Dr. Carol- doctor, wife, mom and maker PB&J!
One of my passions is to help people Embrace change, Try new things and be BOLD for a healthier and balanced life!


  • Love this post and am subscribing to the newsletter. My whole focus is finding easier ways to feed my son the healthiest foods I possibly can. Thank you!

    • Tracy,

      I am glad you enjoyed the article.

      The rate of childhood obesity is trending downwards thanks to us parents, doing more to ensure healthier choices for our kids.

      Thanks for signing up too.

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