Flickr via acearchie

Flickr via acearchie

There are a myriad of symptoms included in this time period of hormonal transition generally called peri-menopause (literally meaning the time around menses stop).

It can be confusing to determine but remember ALL women go through this stage of change though some have a rougher time than others.

In general ,these 5  areas are what you need to review to  accurately determine if you are peri-menopausal or not.

I also want you to be aware that it is usually not necessary to get all the hormones tested as media/book “gurus’ imply or implore.

1. Are you experiencing a change in frequency, nature or flow of menstrual cycles?

2. Are you in your 40s and upwards?

3.  Was your physical exam normal?

4. Do you have minimal or no risk for breast or gynecological  cancers (ovarian or uterine cancers)?

-We are talking family history of these kinds of cancer.

5. Are you experiencing the classic signs- insomnia, hot flashes, moodiness or impatience, increased fatigue, joint pains, skin, hair and nail changes?

If you answered yes to all 5 questions, you are very likely going through the “change”menopause is round the corner. Of course this is not all inclusive list of considerations but would cover most women going through this normal part of aging.

Anyone with variations would need to look for other conditions that “mimic” peri-menopause- this list can include PREGNANCY!

Yup, there are 48 year olds who come into my office mistaking their late-in-life conception as menopause or peri-menopause.

So you answered yes to all 5 questions, menopause it is and you are asking “what can I do about the annoyingly frustrating hot flashes and irritability”?

No worries because we’ve got you covered! The Menopause Treatment Option Pros and Cons Cheat Sheet Pros and Cons of the Different Menopause Treatments blurredprovides you with the following;

1.  All of the most common non-medicinal, herbal supplements and prescription options for managing those hot flashes.

2. This valuable cheat sheet goes over the upsides and the pitfalls of each treatment options with goal of helping you pick the right choice for YOU.

The Menopause Treatment Option Pros and Cons Cheat Sheet is available below to only logged in Healthgist members.

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Dr. Carol

Dr. Carol- doctor, wife, mom and maker PB&J!
One of my passions is to help people Embrace change, Try new things and be BOLD for a healthier and balanced life!


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